Price: $199 (16 Classes, 1.5 Hours per Class) VHS Certificate after successful completion of Annual Program.

Program Name: Kaksha2 Semester 1

Mode: Online

Class Duration:   1.5 Hour
Frequency : Once in a week

Age-Group : 7-8 years

Class Schedule:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
11:30am- 1:00pm
5:30pm- 7pm
11:30am -1:00pm

Start Date End Date Fee (USD) Total Classes
Semester-1 Aug 2020 Dec 2020 $199 16 Classes
Semester-2 Jan 2021 May 2020 $199 (due in Nov) 16 Classes


  1. Reading-

  • Students are able to recognize the letters or symbols of an alphabetic or syllabic writing system or a limited number of characters in a character-based language. 

  • They can identify a number of highly contextualized words and phrases including cognates and borrowed words but rarely understand material that exceeds a single phrase. Rereading is often required.

  1. Writing- 

  1. Speaking- 

  • Students at the Novice Mid sub level communicate minimally by using a number of isolated words and memorized phrases limited by the particular context in which the language has been learned.  

  • When responding to direct questions, they may say only two or three words at a time or give an occasional stock answer.

  • They pause frequently as they search for simple vocabulary or attempt to recycle their own and their interlocutor’s words.

  • Students may be understood with difficulty even by sympathetic interlocutors accustomed to dealing with non-natives.

  • When called on to handle topics and perform functions associated with the Intermediate level, they frequently resort to repetition, words from their native language, or silence.

  1. Listening- 

  • Students  at the Novice Mid sublevel can reproduce from memory a modest number of words and phrases in context.copy 

  • They can supply limited information on simple forms and documents, and other basic biographical information, such as names, numbers, and nationality.

  • Novice Mid Students exhibit a high degree of accuracy when writing on well-practiced, familiar topics using limited formulaic language.

  • With less familiar topics, there is a marked decrease in accuracy; Errors in spelling or in the representation of symbols may be frequent.

  • There is little evidence of functional writing skills.

  • At this level, the writing may be difficult to understand even by those accustomed to non-native writers.

  • At the Novice Mid sub level, students can recognize and begin to understand a number of high- frequency, highly contextualized words and phrases including aural cognates and borrowed words.

  • Typically, they understand little more than one phrase at a time, and repetition may be required.

    * This Program has two Semesters.

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