List of active policies

Name Type User consent
Site Agreement Site policy Authenticated users


Waivers and Agreements

Please read the following waivers and agreements carefully. They include

release of liability and waiver of legal rights, and deprive you of the ability to

sue certain parties. By agreeing electronically, you acknowledge that you

have both read and understood all text presented to you as part of the

registration process.

✓​ Vedic Hindi School (VHS) volunteer ethics, procedures and

guidelines Introduction:

The following procedures have been developed by the VHS Volunteer Core

Team and are designed to protect both students and volunteers.

Acceptance of and adherence to these ethics, procedures and guidelines is

mandatory to participation as a volunteer. These volunteer guidelines are

designed to protect students from harm and to prevent even the

appearance of impropriety on the part of the individual mentors, volunteers,

students and schools participating in VHS volunteer programs.

Full policy

Waivers and Agreements

Please read the following waivers and agreements carefully. They include

release of liability and waiver of legal rights, and deprive you of the ability to

sue certain parties. By agreeing electronically, you acknowledge that you

have both read and understood all text presented to you as part of the

registration process.

✓​ Vedic Hindi School (VHS) volunteer ethics, procedures and

guidelines Introduction:

The following procedures have been developed by the VHS Volunteer Core

Team and are designed to protect both students and volunteers.

Acceptance of and adherence to these ethics, procedures and guidelines is

mandatory to participation as a volunteer. These volunteer guidelines are

designed to protect students from harm and to prevent even the

appearance of impropriety on the part of the individual mentors, volunteers,

students and schools participating in VHS volunteer programs.

A. Intellectual Property

1. Content Ownership: ​ Any material and content developed by course

instructors to deliver instruction for VHS E-learning class becomes

property of the Vedic Hindi School.

2. Content Reuse:

• Any Material and content developed by VHS faculty can be used in

another course module.

● Any material and content developed by VHS faculty cannot be used

in another School and/or Teaching methodology apart from VHS.

3. Disclosure:​ VHS will follow any non-disclosure agreements

necessary for internal/external projects.

4. Infringement: ​ VHS will follow the Copyright and TEACH act (TEACH

Act 2002)

5. Royalties and Proceeds: ​ Content that generates royalties or

proceeds will be owned and managed by VHS.B. E-Learning Expectations from Volunteer Lead Teachers &

Assistant Teachers

Online Class Code of Conduct: ​ The district student code of conduct

will apply to VHS E-learning sessions to mirror proper classroom


● Teachers must force mute audio (mics) and video (cameras) for all

participants before joining the live session.

● Students can be unmuted (audio) when participating in instructional

conversations after the teacher has established clear expectations

and norms.

● Teachers must adjust the chat settings to “participants can chat with

the moderator (Teacher) only” before starting class.

● Teachers must establish norms with students to ensure classroom

expectations are extended into the digital learning space.

● Specific reminders should be provided during each session on how to

participate appropriately with dialogue through the video and/or public

chat feature.


• Course Instructors are responsible for ensuring that they have the

minimum technology requirements to complete online courses,

including access to computers or laptops, knowledge of MS Office

and not less than a DSL Internet Connections.

• Course Instructors will answer all forms of communications in a

timely fashion. Faculty must communicate with students in the time of

Instructor’s absence.

Assignments and Due Dates:

• ​ The Lead Teacher will post assignments and due dates weekly

• The Lead Teacher will post assignment feedback to students within

7 days of assignment due date.

• Instructors will follow up with students no later than 24 hours of first

initial student-faculty communication.

C. Staff Development Training:

All teaching Volunteers should maintain good standing for staffDevelopment Training. ​ The development training will cover following

aspects of teachers training:

● A regular training for proficient delivery and management of course


● A regular training for proficient management and facilitation of real

time student-faculty interaction.

D. Volunteer Hours:​ Each online session will be 90 minutes long.

Depending on the number of classes you are teaching, the volunteer hours

will vary accordingly. A minimum 4 hours of commitment per week is

expected which includes teaching one 90 minute class and before & after

preparations (creating ppts or slides, planning for lesson plan etc) of taking

a class. Teachers will record any volunteer hours served and report


E. Dress Code:

● Neat casual attire while taking E-learning classes; Teachers are a

role model for students.

● Indian wear (saree, suit, kurti) during VHS events.

F​ . ​ Respect.​ Volunteers will be open minded and respectful of students

and staff’s cultural, social, and religious differences.

G. Discipline or Other Concerns: ​ Report discipline, academic or

social/emotional concerns to the appropriate administrator or teacher.

H.​ ​ Calendars: ​ The teaching faculty should be aware of school holidays,

important event days such as: Kavita Pratiyogita, Assessment Test dates



Delivering an E-Learning Course:

1. E-Learning Course Orientation:

a) Policy• Online Assignment Requirements: Online assignment includes:

lesson plan, powerpoint presentation of topic covered in class. All

prepared work shall follow guidelines for academic, honesty,

copyright and intellectual property policies.

b) Attendance and Participation

• Teacher’s attendance for an E-learning course is necessary; there

shall be at least 3 days notice prior of taking a leave.

• It is the duty of the Course Instructor to inform and accordingly

prepare their assistant staff to substitute in their absence.

• Participation is separate from attendance requirements, it requires

appropriate facilitations and weekly posting of feedback to students.

c) Procedure

• An E-learning environment course orientation should offer an overview of

course components, instructional materials and technologies along with

VHS E-learning environment support resources.

A well structured orientation establishes the foundation and sets the tone

for student-instructor communication for the entire semester.

J. Confidentiality: ​ All student information should be treated confidentially.

Sharing student information with others may be a violation of the law.

Confidential information includes any personally identifiable information

regarding a student, including, but not limited to, a student’s Scholastic and

health records, Test scores and grades, Family information, Discipline or

behavioral incident information and Status or accommodations given an

academic or developmental special need.

If you have questions, please ask a VHS administrator. Any student needs

communicated to the volunteer should be referred to an appropriate staff


Do not make a promise to a student that you will not reveal confidential

information to a parent or school officials.

It may be necessary to do so for the welfare of the student and to protect

you from violating the law. Although the student is free to share confidentialinformation with you, there are certain things that you are required by law to

tell the VHS director.

**Any personal information learned from a student or student’s files,

should be held in strictest confidence.

except: 1. If a student confides that he or she is the victim of sexual,

emotional, chemical or physical abuse;

2. If a student confides that he or she is involved in any illegal activity;

3. If a student confides that he or she is considering homicide or suicide.

Should one of these exceptions arise, you are required to immediately

notify the VHS director or appropriate school personnel and/or appropriate

agencies in the case of suspected child abuse or neglect in accordance

with applicable law and VHS Board Policy FFG, within 48 hours of learning

of facts giving rise to the suspicion.

*Note on your calendar when this information was reported and to whom it

was given. Remember, this information is extremely personal and capable

of damaging lives, so do not share it with anyone except the appropriate


K. Student-Teacher Interaction/Communication with students

1. Feedback to student assignments will be delivered in a timely

fashion by the course instructor. They should also respond to all

submitted work within 1 week of submission.

2. All meetings and/or activities with students must take place on

the portal; through E-learning Classroom.

3. Offline campus meetings between the volunteer and a student

are strictly prohibited unless under the direct supervision of a

school official or parent/guardian.

4. ​ The volunteer will provide a copy of any email communication

to a parent regarding volunteer activities to school staff upon

request. If requested by the parent or school administrator, the

volunteer will cease calls and/or emails to the parent.

5. The volunteer is prohibited from knowingly communicating with

students through a personal social network page.Under the following limited circumstances, electronic media may be

used to contact a student solely regarding mentoring/tutoring issues​ :

a. The parent must consent in writing to the type of contact in the Parent

Permission Form.

b. If the parent consents, the mentor/tutor may communicate with the

student by telephone or cellular phone, including text messaging. There

may be no communication between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

Upon request by the parent, student, or campus administrator, the

mentor/tutor will cease communication with the student by telephone or

cellular phone.

c. If the parent consents, the mentor/tutor may use email to communicate

with the student solely about mentoring/tutoring issues. The mentor/tutor

must copy the campus mentor program email on all emails to the student.

The mentor/tutor may not communicate with the student by email during

school hours or between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Upon parent,

student, or campus administrator request, the mentor/tutor will cease email


d. The mentor/tutor is prohibited from knowingly communicating with a

student through a personal social network page. The mentor/tutor may

communicate with a student through a social network page created by a

campus or for mentoring and/or tutoring activities.

VHS Coordinator Communications:

a) Policy

• VHS Coordinator is responsible for quality service-level management for

student learning. They will ensure positive communication between

students & faculty.

b) Procedures

• Given the physical and temporal separation between students and faculty,

it is important to consider the methods of communication: student-faculty

interaction and student-to student interaction that will be used in the course

when developing lesson plans.• Interaction may occur during faculty working hours, or it may take place

via portal.

Role Model.

• Do not criticize parents, teachers, school personnel or guidelines publicly

or with your student. If a problem arises, consult with your volunteer

coordinator or the campus principal.

• Do not discuss your students and their problems publicly or with others. If

you need help with a student, discuss the matter professionally and

confidentially with the teacher, counselor, assistant principal, or principal. •

Address the student directly and with sensitivity, be honest and model an

appropriate manner.

• Use discretion in giving gifts to students in alignment with your campus

volunteer program policy. What you should know about Potential Liability.

M. A volunteer directly serving a school is not immune from

personally liable – for conduct that is:

(1) incident to or (2) within the scope of your duties as a volunteer and

involves the exercise of judgment or discretion on your part.

• You are NOT protected from personal liability if you use excessive force

or negligence in disciplining a student resulting in bodily injury to a student.

• For purposes of liability, a “volunteer” is a person providing services

(1) for or on behalf of the school

(2) on the premises of the

(3) or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school


• The law concerning volunteers does not limit the volunteer’s liability for

intentional misconduct or gross negligence. That is, a volunteer can be

liable for intentional misconduct or gross negligence.

• A person who does not provide services for or on behalf of the school on

the premises or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off

school property is not considered a “volunteer”.

If you are not considered a “volunteer”, you may be subject to liability. Avolunteer may be subject to criminal liability on charges for abuse of

children. ·

A person who does not provide services for or on behalf of the school on

the premises or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off

school property is not considered a “volunteer”.

If you are not considered a “volunteer”, you may be subject to liability. A

volunteer may be subject to criminal liability on charges for abuse of


Waivers and Agreements ​ · Please read the following waivers and

agreements carefully. They include release of liability and waiver of legal

rights, and deprive you of the ability to sue certain parties. ·

you acknowledge that you have both read and understood all text

presented to you as part of the registration process. ·

I,................ the undersigned, state that A person who does not provide

services for or on behalf of the school on the premises or at a

school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property is not

considered a “volunteer”. If you are not considered a “volunteer”, you may

be subject to liability. A volunteer may be subject to criminal liability on

charges for abuse of children. I also accept liability for any material damage

caused by my behavior in school. I/WE, on behalf of ourselves and our

child/children do hereby agree to hold Vedic Hindi School, and its

representatives, staff and members, volunteers, paid or unpaid, harmless

from any responsibility or liability, any and all bodily injury and illness

claims, demands, damages, costs, expense actions and cause of action

arising from any act or occurrence while attending Vedic Hindi School or as

a result of participation in the programs and activities conducted under the

auspices of Vedic Hindi School. Further, I understand that while associated

with Vedic Hindi School, and while participating in their programs, I would

be photographed, taped, filmed, which may be displayed via electronic

media, but not limited to media such as YouTube, to which I consent. Ihereby waive all rights to privacy in photographs and videos, and to

compensation related to the use of photographs and or videos. I/We agree

to indemnify Vedic Hindi School and its representatives, staff and members

for any costs or liabilities which they may incur as a result of my

participation in any of its programs. Furthermore, I/We waive any liabilities

that Vedic Hindi School and its members may have to me as a result of any

injury, illness, or property damage while participating in their programs.

I/We fully read and understand the parent/student handbook. I/We fully

understand and assume full responsibility for my actions while entering this

arrangement with Vedic Hindi School. By accepting this indicate that you

have read and agree to our policy.